Top Companies choose Consigas to build in-demand firewall skills
Top Companies choose Consigas to build in-demand firewall skills
Learn from industry experts
All our trainers are consultants with years of
in-field experience

Go at your own pace
Enjoy access to a real-world lab to practice
before, during and after the training

Instructor-led live classes
All training courses are led by our experienced
consultants and we record the sessions for you

Students Love our Instructors
Get the official certificate
without missing a day at work
Consigas brings the official Palo Alto FireWall Training online to make it more flexible while creating a more effective learning environment.
The Palo Alto online training as live instructor-led classes are recorded, enabling students to review the videos of the Palo Alto courses again afterwards. Trainees will have access to a remote lab with a dedicated firewall per student for three months, allowing for extensive exploration and testing also outside of the class.